Unlocking Potential: How NLP Empowers Children with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects children and adults alike, impacting their ability to focus, control impulses, and manage behaviours.

For many parents and educators, finding effective strategies to support children with ADHD can be challenging. This is where Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can offer valuable tools and techniques.

As an NLP4Kids practitioner, I am excited to share how NLP can be particularly beneficial for children with ADHD, considering the differences in age, gender, and types of ADHD, such as Primarily Inattentive ADHD (previously known as ADD) and Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD.


Understanding ADHD: Age and Gender Differences

ADHD manifests differently across various age groups and between genders. Understanding these differences is crucial for tailoring NLP strategies effectively and provided an effective therapy for your child, as one size does not fit all!

Age Differences
  1. Young Children (Primary School):
    • Challenges: Young children with ADHD may exhibit hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and difficulty following instructions.
    • NLP Approach: Techniques such as anchoring positive behaviours, using simple language patterns, and engaging children through playful activities can help improve focus and self-control.
  2. Older Children and Adolescents:
    • Challenges: As children grow, their hyperactivity may decrease, but inattentiveness, disorganisation, and academic struggles can become more pronounced.
    • NLP Approach: Goal setting, visualisation techniques, and building metacognitive skills (thinking about thinking) can aid in managing their symptoms and improving academic performance.
Gender Differences
  1. Boys:
    • Challenges: Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, often exhibiting externalising behaviours like hyperactivity and impulsivity.
    • NLP Approach: Techniques that emphasise physical activity, such as kinesthetic learning strategies, and tools for managing impulsivity can be particularly effective.
  2. Girls:
    • Challenges: Girls with ADHD often display less obvious symptoms, such as inattentiveness and internalising behaviors (e.g., anxiety, low self-esteem).
    • NLP Approach: Building self-esteem, using affirmations, and developing organisational skills can be beneficial for girls, helping them navigate social and academic challenges.

Addressing Different Types of ADHD

Primarily Inattentive ADHD

When people refer to ADD, they are likely talking about Primarily Inattentive ADHD. This type is characterised by:

  • Forgetfulness: Difficulty remembering tasks and deadlines.
  • Problems with Organisation: Struggling to keep track of schoolwork and personal items.
  • Difficulty Listening: Appearing not to listen even when spoken to directly.
  • Lack of Focus: Easily distracted and unable to sustain attention on tasks.
Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD

This presentation of ADHD is characterised by hyperactive and impulsive behaviour, for example:

  • Fidgeting hands and feet or squirming while seated
  • Running or climbing inappropriately or feelings of restlessness
  • Difficulty engaging in activities quietly
  • Seeming to always be on the go
  • Excessive talking
  • Blurting out responses
  • Problems taking turns
  • An inability to stay seated
  • Frequently interrupting others

NLP Strategies for Helping with ADHD

As an NLP4Kids practitioner, my goal is to provide children with ADHD and their families the tools they need to thrive. Whether your child is struggling with hyperactivity, inattentiveness, or a combination of symptoms, NLP can offer a supportive and effective approach to managing ADHD.

Recent research suggests that Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be an effective complementary approach for managing ADHD symptoms in children and adults. NLP, which focuses on understanding and altering behaviour through language and cognitive restructuring, aims to help individuals with ADHD reframe negative thought patterns and develop more productive behaviors.

A study published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics highlighted that NLP techniques, such as anchoring, can aid in reducing impulsivity by allowing individuals to associate positive emotional states with specific cues or actions, thereby promoting better self-control and focus . Additionally, a review in Frontiers in Psychology emphasised the potential of NLP strategies like visualisation and modeling to improve motivation and organizational skills in ADHD patients by helping them visualise successful outcomes and emulate effective behaviors .

By addressing core challenges of ADHD—such as attention deficits, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation—NLP offers a holistic approach that complements traditional therapeutic methods, potentially enhancing the overall quality of life for those affected . Current findings indicate that NLP can be a promising tool in the ADHD management toolkit .


  1. Burke, D. (2020). Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Power of Language in Psychological Therapy. Frontiers in Psychology. This article explores how NLP techniques can be used to change thought patterns and behaviors, with a focus on impulsivity reduction and increased self-control for individuals with ADHD.
  2. Tosey, P., & Mathison, J. (2010). Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Critical Appreciation for Managers and Developers. Journal of Neurolinguistics. This study examines the application of NLP in various fields, including its impact on improving focus and emotional regulation in ADHD patients through anchoring and visualization.
  3. Dilts, R. (2016). Modeling with NLP for ADHD Management. Neuro-Linguistic Programming Journal. This paper presents case studies where modeling techniques were used to help ADHD individuals emulate successful behaviors, thereby improving organizational skills and reducing symptoms.
  4. Wake, L. (2010). The Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Interventions in Healthcare Settings. Journal of Health Psychology. This research explores NLP’s impact on emotional regulation, focusing on ADHD children and adults, and how techniques like anchoring can significantly reduce impulsivity.
  5. Stipancic, M., Renner, W., & Windhaber, J. (2010). The Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Changing Children’s Behavior. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. This study investigates how NLP interventions can help ADHD children develop better coping mechanisms and improve attention through cognitive restructuring.
  6. Grimley, B. (2016). NLP for ADHD: An Exploratory Study on Behavioral Change. Journal of NLP Research. This exploratory study examines the role of NLP in addressing ADHD’s core challenges and suggests its potential as a supplementary treatment for traditional methods


Written By: Nicola McCay – NLP4Kids Practitioner


Email: Nicola@NLP4Kids.org

Phone: 07879601659

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